Helping You Increase Sales Through Marketing

I have a business degree and 16 years of corporate experience in sales support, distribution development and marketing. I have worked with dozens of companies to provide a host of marketing and communication services. That means I’m a great fit for any company.

For Small to Mid-Size Companies


I am an experienced, reliable, variable cost marketing resource. I get the work done, and then I’m off the books until the next time you need me. 


For Larger Companies


I understand corporate culture and make a great add-on when you need extra hands for particular projects. I collaborate well with people from all over your company and can give you the extra resource you need for time-sensitive or specialized marketing projects.

Marketing Services for Business

  • Marketing plans 

  • Corporate identity (logo, stationery, branding guide)

  • Websites 

  • Print materials of all types
    (direct mail, brochures, flyers, product literature, newsletters, signage, etc.)

  • Market research 

  • Articles and press releases

  • Event support materials 

  • Electronic marketing support (articles, emails, etc.)

  • Advertising

  • Sales support tools 

  • And virtually anything else you might need!

A Few of My Clients

Small to Mid-Size

American Apple Cider Co.
Abbit Management
Joel S. Duhl, Inc.
Kammeraad Financial Services
Painting Services of West Michigan
Reliant Professional Cleaning Contractors, Inc.

A Little Larger

Haworth Inc.
Universal Robots



Here are a few examples of marketing collateral I’ve created with for-profit organizations. Hover over each image to get a quick description of the client need and our solution, or click to view the entire portfolio piece.

DIRECT MAIL We all know how complicated medical insurance can be. One of my clients manages medical practices, and he needed a way to encourage patients to sign up for a specific service that Medicare covered. The problem? Many of the patients didn’t understand what the service is, or why they should have it. Our challenge was to design a three-part postcard mailing series that would encourage patients to schedule this service, making it simple and relevant to a very diverse and rural community.


We all know how complicated medical insurance can be. One of my clients manages medical practices, and he needed a way to encourage patients to sign up for a specific service that Medicare covered. The problem? Many of the patients didn’t understand what the service is, or why they should have it. Our challenge was to design a three-part postcard mailing series that would encourage patients to schedule this service, making it simple and relevant to a very diverse and rural community.

SALES BROCHURE Reliant Professional Cleaning Contractors was looking for a brochure that they could use during sales calls and then leave behind for potential clients. I helped them create a simple yet compelling piece that they can print in low quantities as needed, so that we can update it as services change. In addition to this piece, they needed something inexpensive to hand out to client employees who would ask about various services. To fill that need, we created a folding business card that functioned like a mini-brochure. In an industry where first impressions mean a great deal, Reliant is thrilled to have something that speaks volumes for them.


Reliant Professional Cleaning Contractors was looking for a brochure that they could use during sales calls and then leave behind for potential clients. I helped them create a simple yet compelling piece that they can print in low quantities as needed, so that we can update it as services change. In addition to this piece, they needed something inexpensive to hand out to client employees who would ask about various services. To fill that need, we created a folding business card that functioned like a mini-brochure. In an industry where first impressions mean a great deal, Reliant is thrilled to have something that speaks volumes for them.

SALES SUPPORT MATERIALSAbbit Management needed a sales package that would allow them to propose something called “pre-need” services to funeral homes.  Their first job was to educate the funeral home director about the difference between various types of options available, and then also provide them with sales support tools that would allow the funeral home to promote the service.  It’s a somewhat complicated concept, and many funeral directors don’t know how to evaluate the various options for providing this service.  We created a folder, brochure and inserts that could be taken out to explain Abbit’s track record and capabilities.  We also created flyers that could be used at trade shows or as leave-behinds after sales calls.


Abbit Management needed a sales package that would allow them to propose something called “pre-need” services to funeral homes. Their first job was to educate the funeral home director about the difference between various types of options available, and then also provide them with sales support tools that would allow the funeral home to promote the service. It’s a somewhat complicated concept, and many funeral directors don’t know how to evaluate the various options for providing this service. We created a folder, brochure and inserts that could be taken out to explain Abbit’s track record and capabilities. We also created flyers that could be used at trade shows or as leave-behinds after sales calls.

CLIENT BROCHURE Kammeraad Financial Services operates a little differently than most financial planners.  And one of their big challenges is to help prospective customers get “off the dime” and motivated to take action!  I helped them create a brochure for their initial client meetings that is simple and non-threatening.  It’s a great tool for starting a conversation about what matters to the client…which, in the end, is what will motivate them to do something.


Kammeraad Financial Services operates a little differently than most financial planners. And one of their big challenges is to help prospective customers get “off the dime” and motivated to take action! I helped them create a brochure for their initial client meetings that is simple and non-threatening. It’s a great tool for starting a conversation about what matters to the client…which, in the end, is what will motivate them to do something.

SALES BROCHURE Mukava was a brand-new concept for reducing neck strain and supporting hands-free technology use.  In order to get the product in front of people buying furniture for senior care facilities, we needed to showcase it in action.  Since …


Mukava was a brand-new concept for reducing neck strain and supporting hands-free technology use. In order to get the product in front of people buying furniture for senior care facilities, we needed to showcase it in action. Since the product was manufactured overseas, I arranged a local photo shoot in an actual senior care facility, and then designed and wrote the brochure based on U.S. healthcare market needs. As a thank-you to the seniors, we left the product to be used in their community!

IDENTITY PACKAGE There’s a niche market in the legal system called a process server, and Civil Integrity fills that niche for the West Michigan lakeshore.  They needed a way to build their business, and a credible brand was the first step.  I helped…


There’s a niche market in the legal system called a process server, and Civil Integrity fills that niche for the West Michigan lakeshore. They needed a way to build their business, and a credible brand was the first step. I helped them create an interesting and unique logo that did NOT incorporate the scales of justice! Then we built a suite of stationery products to give them the professional public face that they needed to grow their business.